Wednesday, January 22, 2020 is no more...

Dear CadeCam fans,

Sadly, all good things must come to an end and today is one of those days. As of today is no longer active/online. The site will stay online as but all cams will cease to work.

We had a great run and want to thank everyone who visited our site in the last 17 (!) years (either by visiting or, but it's time for us to move on and live our lives without the whole world watching :)


Randy and Miranda

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Check out our YouTube channel!

Hey guys,

Our LifeCast Cam may not me online anymore but we recently started a YouTube channel where you can watch Miranda and myself play all kinds of Virtual Reality games and experiences. Check it out at:


Please subscribe to our channel to support us and to be notified when we upload new videos. Thanks!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Goodbye LifeCast Cam :(

Dear CadeCam fans,

Today is a sad day: our LifeCast Cam is no more... :(

IBM Cloud Video (formerly Ustream) discontinued their free (ad supported) streaming service, which means that we are no longer able to broadcast the LifeCast Cam unless we upgrade to a paid plan that costs a ridicules $99 a month!

So unfortunately this leaves us no choice and we have to say goodbye to the LifeCast Cam. But... there is also some good news. We will replace the LifeCast Cam with another IP camera, so the amount of cameras on our site will stay the same. We know this is not the same thing but it's something.

If one of you knows about a streaming site (like Ustream used to be) where we can broadcast for free, let us know and we are more than happy to take a look at it and see if we can bring the LifeCast Cam back.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Kitchen Cam will be back and more...

Good news everyone!

The Kitchen Cam will be back shortly is working again because we finally got a new IP camera (an INQMEGA IL-HIP321-1M-JZ if you're interested).

Not only that, but we also found out the problem with the Digoo BB-M2 IP cameras and think we're able to fix them. So expect new camera locations to be added to the site also!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

We are moving - cams temporarily offline

Hi guys!

As you may have noticed, our cams have been offline since 1 December. We have bought a new house and are busy moving. For the next 6 weeks we are staying at Miranda's parents place, after which we will receive the keys to our new home on 15 January 2018.

Until then, the IP cams will be offline unfortunately. However, we do try to use the Lifecast Cam from time to time at our guest address. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We welcome you again when we have fully moved, which will be somewhere near the end of January. We are curious what you guys think of the new house :)

Randy and Miranda

Monday, July 7, 2014

How to make the best Mobius Hat Cam

When I purchased my Mobius one of the things I wanted to use it for was as a Hat Cam. With a Hat Cam you can film from your eye's point of view and having your hands free at the same time, which is especially handy (no pun intended) when you need both hands such as with controlling R/C vehicles. But when you think of it, the possibilities with a Hat Cam are virtually endless.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hubsan X4 V2 (H107L) mini quadcopter

As mentioned in my post about the Mobius Action Camera I'm interested in buying a quadcopter some day which is capable of lifting the Mobius to record some cool aerial videos. A medium-sized quadcopter would be ideal for that purpose (not too big and not too small). But then I started thinking that I don't have much flight experience yet and since quadcopters fly like helicopters they're not easy to control. I have owned a fixed pitch and coaxial helicopter in the past but never got any further then practicing with them before I got fed up and sold them again :).

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mobius Action Camera

I've had this camera for a while now and because it's such a great little device I decided to write a little bit about it.

The Mobius is a small 1080p action camera at first but can also be used as a dashcam, webcam, photo camera (including a time-lapse photo mode), FPV (First Person View) cam (used on remote controlled vehicles and drones) and security/spy cam (it has motion detection) so you see, it's very versatile!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Foscam FI9821W (or any other 720p IP cam) and wide-angle lens

Like I mentioned before I replaced the original lens of my Foscam FI9821W V2 with a wide-angle lens to get a larger field of vision.

This is the original lens (3.6mm) that came with the camera. It gives a view angle of 70°. Simply screw it off and screw another lens in (with the same M12x0.5mm thread).

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Site will be temporarily offline

The site will temporarily go offline later this evening. When it comes back online you can reach it by it's new domain name:

That's right, I just couldn't let go of the CadeCam "brand" :) so I decided the site should have a real domain name again. Too bad the .com address (which I owned for the past 11 years) was already taken by some bogus advertising company so I settled for the .net address.

We wish everyone a happy new year and remember, after the downtime: ;)

UPDATE 01-01-14 5:00 pm: the transition to the new domain name takes longer then expected so I put the site back online. When the new domain is working, I'll let you know.

UPDATE 04-01-14 1:07 am: the new domain is up and running and we're back in business! :)